I have left this blog abandoned for far too long!
The last blog entry was created 3 days before I popped! Our little girl is now 20 months old and we've moved houses twice since.
Here's the lil one right after she was born.
April 21st, 2009
4:30pm Burnside Hospital, Adelaide

Mia Dahlia
And this is a very recent picture of her taken at our current home. She now goes to daycare 5 days a week learning to socialize, make friends, music and dance classes, art class, sandplay and outdoor gym.
She can now say 20 more or less words, walks, runs, jumps, climbing up and down the stairs (most times with an adult), looking very independent and copies most things adults do.
Apart from adjusting and trying to keep our little family (and minds!) sane, I have also gone back to work and changed jobs. Cooking and baking has reduced considerably now that on some days I no longer have the luxury of even shampooing my hair (no we do not have a maid or helper with us) - but I still do make an effort to cook at least 2-3 times per week. All of our lil bugaroo's meals are prepared by me. I make a point for her to have homecooked meals everyday when she's in daycare or spending holidays with her grandparents. So our fridge and freezer are stocked with baby/pureed food since she turned 6 months. I pack her breakfast, lunch and snack to daycare everyday.
Her usual meals are 2-3 combinations of fresh fruits, yoghurt, cereals, milk, bread/soft buns for breakfast. Lunch she'll have rice porridge (or congee) cooked with the basics (garlic, onions and ginger), together with at least 2-3 types of veggies (carrots, broccoli, celery, peas, spring onions, spinach, tomatoes) and a type of meat (beef, chicken or fish) to make stock for the rice - all together in one pot. Served with a bottle of milk. Sometimes I'd make pastas or lasagne. Snacks can vary from biscuits to fruits, small piece of cake, diluted juice, breads/buns. Dinner can be just about anything we have. Roasts, rice with side-dishes, noodles, soups. Of course when she was younger I pureed all her food and gradually thicken them according to her age. Long has gone those pureed food days :)
I've not tried new recipes as of late. But I have tried making a gingerbread house for a Christmas even we held at my office. Pictures will be posted up soon. Also the rest my long lost absence to make up for everything.
Til then, be prepared for some new food updates! :)
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